Christine Stanifer Bushby '91 

Distinguished Alumni
Year: 1991

Christine Stanifer Bushby '91 has an Associate of Arts from Miami University, a Bachelor of Mortuary Science from the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science, a Master of Arts from the University of Oklahoma and is a licensed Alabama Funeral Director, Embalmer and Cremationist, as well as a Certified Funeral Service Practitioner. She worked & retired as a GS Civilian for the United States Air Force working for Services/Force Support Squadrons at RAF Mildenhall, UK, Minot AFB, ND and Maxwell AFB, AL. Her primary job was Mortuary Affairs and Unit Readiness.

Christine received many awards during her time with the Air Force at the Squadron, Group, Air Base Wing, numbered Air Force, Major Command and Headquarters Air Force level. The two awards she is most proud of are at the Headquarters Air Force level – 'HQ AF/A1 Dr. Beverly L. Schmalzried Legacy Award' & 'The Air Force Association Outstanding Civilian Program Specialist of the Year.'

Christine is currently a funeral director and embalmer in Alabama. She is married with two sons. Christine’s objective in her profession is to '(take) care of families the way I hope I would be treated.'

Family Life:
Married with two boys- Andrew & Jacob

Funeral Director & Embalmer

How long?
21 years

Educational Background:
Miami University - Associate of Arts, Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science - Bachelor of Mortuary Science, University of Oklahoma - Master of Arts; Licensed Alabama Funeral Director, Embalmer & Cremationist, Certified Funeral Service Practitioner

What are you passionate about?
Being able to make a difference one day, one person at a time

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Since I was 10, I had wanted to be a funeral director and embalmer... where science and art came together.

Who inspires you and why?
Jim Valvano - 7 words .....”Don’t give up... don’t ever give up”

What led you to your career/business?
I knew as a child that I wanted to be a funeral director; I understood even then what all was entailed and still I was not scared. When I was junior we had a project for English class on where we wrote about our future career path. Part of that project required us to interview someone currently working in the field. I interviewed Mrs. Ann Wyrick at Colligan Funeral Home & Mr. Al Hinkel who worked at Paul R. Young Funeral Home; although I received two perspectives, but their common response that I took to heart from both of them was that funeral directors have the opportunity to make a difference to others every day with servant’s heart. 28 years later, that still stuck with me.

What is your favorite quote?
"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of his actions and the integrity of his intent."

Where have you traveled in the world?
England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Germany, Spain, France & Belgium. While stationed in England, I was grateful for the opportunity to travel around Europe and see up close things I had only read about in History books. I lived very close to Cambridge and went there frequently, but the one event that forever will stay in my heart was witnessing the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace on September 13, 2011. In a break of protocol, traditionally, “God save the Queen” is played during the changeover, however, on this date, “ The Star Spangled Banner” was played after the events of 9-11. It was emotional and moving to witness it firsthand and then when were close to the U.S. Embassy the line of people standing to sign the register book and pay their condolences stretched down a city block and the park across the street was covered with tributes to the U.S.

What is your favorite book or movie?
Steel Magnolias - because laughter through tears is my favorite emotion.

What is your best advice for current Badin students?
Stay steady on your course. When I get to read the newsletter and updates about the school and students, you all are doing amazing things. Keep making a difference one day, one person at a time.

What if you had $1 million what would you do with it?
That’s a song from the 90s...just kidding...I would set up a foundation to help families with funeral services when financial problems are present.

What is your best memory as a Badin student?\
Watching the State Title wins in Boys Basketball, Football and Baseball from 1988-1991... best memory was when the senior baseball players came late to graduation still in their baseball uniforms it was a sweet memory.

Who was your favorite faculty/staff member?
That’s tough... Mr. Mignery for History, Mr. Rains for Civics and Mr. Malone for US history. I had a great interest in History and if I wasn’t a funeral director, I would have been a History teacher.

If you could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be?
My mom... she’s still living, but sometimes it’s hard being far from home. I take every chance to enjoy people while they are here, since tomorrow has no guarantees.

Was there a particular faith-related event that impacted your life?
Senior retreat - it was a time where although we came from different groups within school, we were able to open up and learn more about each other on a different level.

Thinking of yourself, what are you most proud of?
My boys... I can literally say I raised Boy Scouts... Andrew is an Eagle Scout and Jacob is a Life Scout (almost to Eagle)

Who is your hero and why?
All military members - they selflessly volunteer & sacrifice without hesitation.

What is one thing you’ve learned while at Badin that you still use and value today?
We are many parts, we are all one body.

Is there anything in particular that you’d like to share with us?
Every day has a new challenge to face and I get up knowing that my day can take some twist and turns without notice, but that’s ok. I like being able to think on my feet.

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