Kristina Anderson '07 

Distinguished Alumni
Year: 2007

Kristina Anderson '07 is a great cook who has taken her skills into the workplace. She owns and operates 1st & Pillette, a Paleo-inspired kitchen, providing catered meals for families, events and more.

Small Business Owner, 1 year
Web Address:

What led you to your career/business?
1st & Pillette is the result of a string of events that now seem rather serendipitous. To keep it short I had learned that I developed late life allergies to food items I had eaten my whole life. At first this frustrated me but then I saw an opportunity to help people. Finding healthy and unpackaged food to eat when you have allergies can be a time consuming and expensive task. I realized I could help other people in my situation by providing snacks and meals that were already prepared. By doing this it saves them time, energy and money. It allows people to spend their time doing what is important to them - being with friends and family. This company started as a simple idea but is slowly becoming what I dreamed it would be. The idea of eating healthy food is something I have always valued and I feel lucky to be able to share that with others. I have been able to expand beyond people with allergies and now service gyms, families and individuals who simply just want healthy meals for themselves and their families.

What is your favorite book or movie?
"Find Your Brave" by Holly Wagner. This book is about standing tall and not losing your footing in life storms. Its about how faith can be an anchor for you during the most difficult parts of life. Reading it left me feeling empowered and stronger. It helped me see that you cannot avoid hard times, you have to endure them and each time you do you get stronger.

What is your best memory as a Badin student?
My favorite memory is winning State (in soccer, 2005). We had a group of girls who came together to pull off something Badin had been chasing for years. That embodies what Badin is trying to instill in its students- we are a family and when you work together anything is possible. The journey certainly wasn't easy but overcoming challenges, sticking together and supporting each other made it fun. It was more than just meshing on the soccer field. The girls on the team were my family. I could call any of them to ask for help anytime and I know they would be there in a heartbeat. To this day I think back about those moments and my heart just swells with happiness.

What is one thing you’ve learned while at Badin that you still use and value today?
"Never forget who you are and where you came from." Mr. P (Mr. Brian Pendergest '90) must have said this to me a dozen times senior year in preparation for moving on to college. At the time it didn't really hit me the weight of what that comment meant but even to this day when I think of that when trying to make decisions or when I am in a situation where I'm not sure what to do. I think of this advice and I am reminded of the person I am and the person I hope to grow into. It takes strength and courage to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to pressure you into being someone else. Remembering who you are and what you've overcome is a motivation to keep growing into the person that you want to be.

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