Karen Kuenzig ‘83 

Distinguished Alumni
Year: 1983

Karen Kuenzig ‘83 lives her life in a Catholic sacred community. She is a music educator and has been teaching for well over 30 years. She currently is the Director of Retreats for an all-girls Catholic high school in Louisville, KY, Director of Music at a Catholic parish in Bardstown, KY and a Spiritual Director in the Archdiocese of Louisville, KY. Karen has also authored a recently published Lenten meditation book.

Karen has a BA from Ohio Northern University in music education K-12 (voice, keyboard, woodwind, brass, & percussion, as well as a Master’s in Music Education from the University of Louisville. She is certified in Orff/Kodaly/Dalcroze Methods from the University of Dusquene.

Karen is the last of five children from Doctor Paul and Carol (nurse) Kuenzig and loved driving over the Great Miami River to and from school back in the day. She currently resides with two companions and rescued horses, cats and dogs.

Where have you traveled in the world?
I've been to:
Canada/Nova Scotia, to study the environment. Also, studies during Novitiate years of preparation.
Rome, Italy to sing for Pope John Paul II
Belize, to help the poor
Mexico, to build houses out of plants in the wild portions of the Jungles there.
Israel, to walk and connect to the very same places where Jesus lived and ministered.
What is your best advice for current Badin students? Seek your heart’s passion, leave deep footprints, leave no one behind, care for each other

What is your best memory as a Badin student or your favorite story about Badin?
Loved the marching band, I don’t have just those I graduated with, as memories, but all those who were in band during the four years I was there.

Who was your favorite faculty / staff member at Badin? Why?
Chuck Lauderbach was inspiring, funny, and an amazing individual who encouraged taking risks and never settling... I had some GREAT teachers, and others.... well.... LOL!

What is one thing that you learned while at Badin that you still use and value today?
I would enter through the side door, which has the words “the truth shall set you free” over it’s frame. This is what I live by. Truth. The truth of Christ will set you free; it will allow you to clearly see past all the “noise” to what is essential in this world; the to see and aide and love the other; the oppressed, the poor, the immigrant, the addicted, the marginalized, the list goes on... THESE are our family. The TRUTH allows one to see that clearly. Badin is a GREAT school that was perfect for me, for my faith formation, musical and spiritual careers. Go Rams!

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